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Shortness of breath during pregnancy

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 Shortness of breath during pregnancy

Shortness of breath during pregnancy

Shortness of breath during pregnancy

Shortness of breath is a common problem in pregnant women, especially with some exertion. Some women may experience shortness of breath early in their pregnancy, or gradually in the second and third trimesters as the pregnancy progresses. 

It can be difficult for doctors to determine the cause of the underlying shortness of breath, but in addition to the significant increase in blood volume in a pregnant woman, increased heart exertion and the expansion of the uterus and pressure on the lungs may play a major role in this problem. The heart has to do more and pump more blood. 

The blood passes through the body and reaches the placenta. It is worth noting that in addition, as pregnancy progresses, an increase in the level of progesterone hormones may also lead to an increase in the respiratory rate.

Shortness of breath during pregnancy

There are many approaches and techniques to help relieve shortness of breath during pregnancy, some of which are described below:

  • Take a correct and healthy sitting and standing posture and avoid relaxing your body as this can increase pressure on your lungs.
  • Elevate your upper body while you sleep and place a suitable pillow to reduce pressure on your lungs from your womb.
  • Get enough rest when you feel tired, or during exercise and normal household chores.
  • Yoga regulates and controls breathing. These practices help keep the lungs in order and improve breathing.
  • Breathing exercises that inflate the lungs and expand the airways by breathing should be practiced for ten minutes a day and this improves breathing as there are many exercises including slow exhalation with specific movements of the head and hands and accompanying movements by raising the hands. same.

doctor review

  • Increased or irregular heartbeat.
  • Sudden or severe shortness of breath.
  • Chest pain, or pain when breathing.
  • pale skin;
  • Feels that the woman is about to faint.
  • The appearance of blue color on the lips, and fingers.
  • Chronic cough.
  • Coughing with fever or chills.
  • Coughing with blood coming out.