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Where is the fetus's head in the fifth month?

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Where is the fetus's head in the fifth month?

Where is the fetus's head in the fifth month

Where is the fetus's head in the fifth month?

To answer this question, where is the fetus's head in the fifth month? It is worth noting that the position of the fetus in the mother’s womb changes several times during pregnancy,  

and during the fifth month, the fetus may move comfortably and repeatedly in the womb; In fact, precisely positioning its head This movement is often felt by the mother in the middle of the body in the second trimester,  Until this stage of pregnancy, 

there is no need to worry about the position of the fetus,  During labor, the fetus assumes the anterior position Appropriate for the start of labor, so that his head is on the floor and his face is facing the back of the pregnant mother. 

How can you know the position of the fetus?

Usually, on any day in the second or third trimester, the doctor or midwife will examine a pregnant woman's abdomen to determine the position of the fetus. 

A pregnant woman can ask her doctor or midwife about the position of the fetus. week 35 or 36; The fetus should be in an anterior or posterior position, and an ultrasound scan can be used to determine the position of the fetus if there is any doubt about its position. 

Evidence indicating the position of the fetus

The status of the fetus can be known through several pieces of evidence, including: 

  • The feeling of the fetus moving under the ribs and the appearance of the navel indicates that the fetus is in the foreground so that its head is low and its back is facing the mother’s abdomen, as we mentioned earlier.
  • The mother has a kicking sensation near the front or middle part of the abdomen, as well as the flat rather than rounded appearance of the mother's abdomen, indicating that the fetus is in a posterior position, with the fetus's head facing down, with its back on the mother's back.