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When does the gestational sac appear in the uterus?

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 When does the gestational sac appear in the uterus?


Pregnancy occurs after the fertilization of the egg and sperm, and the fertilized egg grows in the uterus and develops to form a fetus. Menstruation, therefore, 

the duration of pregnancy is 280 days or 40 weeks, and it should be noted that the woman will suffer from some symptoms that indicate pregnancy, 

including swollen breasts, feeling sick, vomiting, lack of menstruation, weight gain, and moderate skin color. Color of the nipple, the breast, the appearance of a discharge, 

urinating more frequently than usual, after about 20 weeks of pregnancy, expectant mothers feel the movement of the fetus.

The time of the appearance of the gestational sac in the uterus

It is important to note that in early pregnancy, a transvaginal ultrasound is more accurate than a transabdominal ultrasound, 

and the appearance of a gestational sac is usually the first sign of pregnancy on an ultrasound machine, 

as it can appear after the first three weeks of pregnancy. Pregnancy The average diameter of the gestational sac at this time is about 2-3 mm. About five and a half weeks into the pregnancy, 

the yolk sac appears in the gestational sac. It should be noted that the gestational sac has a known level of chorionic gonadotropin during pregnancy. 

Ultrasound examination through the abdomen elevation. Use pregnancy hormones and what at most about 1500-2000 IU / liter, 

here we mention that the hormone chorionic gonadotropin is present in the blood since the fertilized egg or embryo begins to implant in the wall of the uterus, 

and this hormone can be detected by conducting pregnancy tests and analysis, Some pregnancy tests for this hormone can be found as early as after some time only about 7 days until ovulation.

empty gestational sac

An empty gestational sac or fetal pregnancy occurs when the fetus stops developing early in pregnancy so it is absorbed and processed so that the gestational sac remains empty even before a woman knows she is pregnant, often without knowing the exact reason behind this, but this may be due to the presence of Disease Chromosomes of the fertilized egg, it is important to note that women who have empty sacs will experience common pregnancy symptoms, such as: absence of periods, and may have positive results when taking pregnancy tests, so most pregnant women with empty sacs hope that they have a pregnancy Healthy due to the symptoms of normal pregnancy, it is also worth noting that the placenta may continue to grow in the absence of a fetus for a short period of time, and pregnancy hormones may continue to rise, which leads a woman to believe that she is pregnant, and it is also possible for a woman to suffer from some pain In the abdomen, the pain occurs as a small amount of spotting or bleeding in the vagina. In fact, an empty gestational sac is diagnosed only when the ultrasound machine shows an empty uterus or the presence of an empty gestational sac.

It is important to note that if an empty carrying bag is found during the visit, the doctor will discuss with the affected woman the available treatments based on the length of pregnancy, medical history, and, emotional state of the pregnant woman. For women, when determining the most appropriate treatment options, the most prominent options are as follows:

Wait for the miscarriage to occur naturally without any intervention.

Taking medications that may cause a woman to miscarry, such as misoprostol.

Surgery to remove placental tissue from the uterus.

Tips for a healthy pregnancy

Good and comprehensive care that a woman should receive before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and before childbirth includes many tips and procedures, such as maintaining a healthy diet and following some healthy habits. Women should do the following during these periods:

  • choosing a health care provider; Women should choose a pregnancy and childbirth health care provider to monitor their pregnancy and receive the necessary prenatal and postnatal care.
  • Taking folic acid (folic acid) supplements. If you are planning to become pregnant or become pregnant, you should take a dietary supplement containing folic acid, at least 400 micrograms per day, because taking folic acid can reduce the risk of infection in the fetus. It should be noted that the pregnancy multivitamin contains more than 400 mcg of folic acid per capsule or tablet.
  • Discuss the medications you take with your health care provider, especially over-the-counter medications. No medication should be taken unless a pregnant woman's health care provider confirms that these medications are safe to use during pregnancy.
  • stop smoking.
  • Limit the amount of caffeine ingested.