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What is artificial insemination for pregnant women - and what are its harms and side effects?

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 What is artificial insemination?

What is artificial insemination for pregnant women - and what are its harms and side effects

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In vitro fertilization (IVF) is by far the most common and effective assisted reproductive technology for supporting a woman's pregnancy, as it is often used when other methods of pregnancy support fail... According to 2016 statistics, What is artificial insemination?

 IVF contributes to the birth of 6.5 million babies in the United States. In the United States, about 1.6 of the total number of births in the United States are born annually using a technology similar to this technology. he is.  THE USA. also. What is artificial insemination?

 In vitro fertilization techniques are based, in principle, on the fertilization of eggs by a female and their subsequent transfer to the uterus, and in fact, the use of this technique increases the likelihood of multiple births. 

IVF Adaptation

What is artificial insemination for pregnant women - and what are its harms and side effects

IVF techniques can be used in the treatment of many cases of infertility, and the following describes the most important cases in which this method is used: 

  • Blockage of the fallopian tubes: Blockage or damage to the fallopian tubes prevents fertilization of an egg or transfer of an embryo into the uterus What is artificial insemination?
  • Primary ovarian insufficiency: This condition occurs when a woman becomes unable to function before the age of 40 years. In this case, estrogen production may be insufficient and eggs may not be released normally.
  • Endometriosis: This condition is an overgrowth of the outer portion of endometrial tissue that affects the function of the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes.
  • Uterine fibroids: These are benign tumors that grow on the wall of the uterus and are most common in women between the ages of 30 and 40. In fact, the frequency of these tumors affects the ability of a fertilized egg to implant in the endometrium...
  • Previous tubal ligation or removal: If a woman wishes to become pregnant after a previous tubal ligation procedure, IVF is used as an alternative to tubal ligation. This is a measure that is taken to prevent pregnancy forever.
  • Decreased sperm production or function: IVF is performed when there is a problem with the male sperm that affects the ability of the sperm to fertilize eggs. Among the most prominent of these problems are low sperm concentration, poor motility, irregular shapes, and sizes...
  • Infertility of unknown cause. Unexplained infertility means that all common causes of infertility have been evaluated, but no specific cause of infertility has been found.
  • Hereditary disease: If there is a risk of transmitting a genetic disease from the father to the child, use IVF to check the embryos before transferring them to the uterus so that only embryos that do not have a genetic disease are transferred to the uterus...
  • Cancer: Radiation therapy or chemotherapy that cancer patients may receive can affect fertility. In this case, IVF is used as a method of fertility preservation because the egg is either taken from the female's uterus and frozen or fertilized and then frozen. future. use...

IVF stage

What is artificial insemination for pregnant women - and what are its harms and side effects

The IVF process follows some basic steps. Below is a description of each of them. 

Ovarian stimulation: Also called the ovulation induction stage, women are given fertility drugs to increase egg production. In addition to a series of blood tests, women undergo regular ultrasounds through the vagina. What is artificial insemination?

Egg collection: Women collect eggs from their bodies with a simple process. Keep in mind that this operation is done in the clinic and the woman needs to be given proper medication to reduce the pain during the surgery. The eggs are collected from the vagina using a fine needle that is inserted into the ovary and the eggs containing the egg. The doctor will use the ultrasound as a guide during this procedure. What is artificial insemination?

Insemination and Fertilization: Fertilization is carried out by mixing high-quality sperm and eggs, after which the mixture is stored in special and appropriate conditions. In most cases, the sperm fertilizes the egg within hours of the fertilization procedure. If fertilization in this way is difficult, the sperm is injected directly into the egg (intracytoplasmic sperm injection).

What is artificial insemination for pregnant women - and what are its harms and side effects

Embryo implantation: Experts check embryos regularly after the fertilized egg divides to ensure that the embryo develops properly What is artificial insemination?

Embryo transfer: Embryos are implanted 3-5 days after egg collection and fertilization. Pregnancy begins when the fetus implants in the uterine lining and grows through the cervix. It should be noted that several embryos can be transferred to the female's uterus at the same time, which can lead to pregnancy with twins, triplets, or even more pregnancies.