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Is a high temperature a sign of pregnancy?

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 Is a high temperature a sign of pregnancy?

Is a high temperature a sign of pregnancy?

Is high temperature a sign of pregnancy?

Ovulation may be accompanied by a rise in oral body temperature after waking up in the morning. If it continues to rise after your expected period, it may be an early sign of pregnancy; These changes are caused by the body being pregnant in a few months, knowing that every pregnancy is a different experience than anyone else, so some women may experience symptoms that others do not.

Causes of high temperature during pregnancy

A woman’s immune system naturally weakens during pregnancy to ensure that her body does not reject the fetus growing in the womb, which can lead to an increased chance of infection such as influenza and colds, which can be accompanied by high temperatures, in addition to some natural causes related to what It pens to the body of a pregnant woman like:

Increased production of progesterone

During pregnancy, the secretion of progesterone hormones increases and the body temperature rises, and a pregnant woman may think that she has a fever, but the increase in body temperature is usually mild and simple, but if the pregnant woman finds that she has a fever. Fever accompanied by chills, and it is okay to seek medical attention for her health.

increased blood flow

A pregnant woman has 20% more blood flow than usual, which improves the body's metabolism, which causes the pregnant woman's body temperature to rise, which increases the warmth of the body, and sometimes her body temperature reaches about 37.8 degrees Celsius, which can lead to to an increase in body temperature. It causes blood flow to add to the following: 

  • Meet all the needs of the fetus in the mother's womb.
  • Increased blood flow to the kidneys and other parts of the body.
  • Bleeding from the nose and gums.
  • When should you see a doctor?

increased blood flow

While a high temperature can be a good indicator of pregnancy, if the temperature rises above 37.8 degrees Celsius and the woman develops symptoms related to fever, it is recommended to consult a specialist to check her health and the health of the fetus, and identify the main causes Evaluate why the high temperature is serious and the extent of damage Which affects the fetus due to high temperatures. 

Other pregnancy symptoms

The nature of the symptoms that a woman experiences during pregnancy varies from one woman to another, knowing that these symptoms are similar to those before the menstrual cycle, which is a reliable way to determine whether a woman is pregnant is a pregnancy test, and the following symptoms are: The most common during pregnancy: 

  • Amenorrhea: Missing a period for a week or more may mean pregnancy, but this sign can be tricky if a woman has intermittent or irregular periods. 
  • Swollen breasts: Many hormonal changes occur early in pregnancy, including pain in the breast area, which usually subsides as the body adjusts to these hormonal changes. 
  • Nausea: For some women, pregnancy hormones can cause nausea, especially in the morning after the first month of pregnancy, and may be accompanied by an urgent desire to vomit. 
  • Frequent urination: When blood flow to the kidneys increases, the kidneys' ability to process fluids before reaching the bladder increases a pregnant woman's need to urinate.
  • Fatigue: The hormone progesterone increases in pregnant women during the first trimester of pregnancy, making them feel sleepy and tired. 
  • Light spotting or bleeding: Some women may notice slight spotting in the vagina as a sign of pregnancy, which occurs about 10 to 14 days after conception, also known as implantation bleeding because the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining. 
  • Abdominal cramps: They occur as a result of a slight contraction of the uterine muscles, especially during the first few months of pregnancy.
  • Article Summary

Many hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy and these changes can lead to the emergence of signs and symptoms, and a high temperature may be one of them and is usually not a cause for concern, but medical intervention is necessary if accompanied by a high temperature or 37.8 other symptoms of high Above degrees Celsius, to ensure the safety of the mother and fetus.