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Post-cesarean side effects

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 cesarean section

A cesarean section is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby who is unable to be born vaginally It can be performed in cases where the health of the mother or the position of the baby makes vaginal delivery impossible Some examples of cases where a cesarean section may be necessary when the baby is very large or if there are complications during labor Born naturally in a certain position, such as out of the breech position or the transverse or side position in the womb Some birth defects can occur to the fetus, such as severe hydrocephalus and some health problems in the mother, such as low infection Mother During Pregnancy Cesarean deliveries are associated with higher risks and take longer to recover from a vaginal birth Vaginal delivery is a common and safe method of delivery [1]

Post-cesarean side effects

After a cesarean delivery, the mother may experience some of the common effects of a natural birth

  • Vaginal discharge persists for several weeks after childbirth and for the first few days is red and thick later, the discharge changes color to brown or yellowish-white with a light water-like feel
  • After a cesarean delivery, women experience menstrual-like cramps. These contractions are caused by the release of the hormone oxytocin and are designed to help prevent heavy bleeding by putting pressure on the blood vessels in the uterus.
  • When a woman feels pain when touching her breast a few days after the cesarean section, she may be suffering from engorgement of the nipple and the area around it that can cause this pain during breastfeeding, 
  • as well as reduce milk engorgement in the breast To reduce this pain, it is recommended to breastfeed frequently and use a manual pump To express milk, apply a warm washcloth to the breast before feeding Take a warm bath before breast-feeding Apply a cold washcloth to the breast between feeding periods
  • After giving birth, a woman's hair can fall out for up to five months and her skin color will change from red to silver, and the darker black spots may slowly begin to fade.
  • After giving birth, many mothers may experience mood changes, such as crying spells, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping for up to two weeks.
  • Postpartum depression is a condition that can occur in some women soon after childbirth. Symptoms include extreme mood swings, loss of appetite, extreme tiredness, and a lack of enjoyment in life.
  • After giving birth, women lose about six kilograms of their weight. This weight loss continues for a few weeks after giving birth as a result of the removal of excess fluid in the body.

Complications of cesarean section

Complications of cesarean section on the mother

A cesarean delivery can cause some health complications for the mother, including the following:

  • Endometritis is an inflammation of the lining of the uterus
  • The risks of cesarean delivery are greater than the risks of a vaginal delivery
  • The mother can experience some side effects from the anesthesia used during childbirth
  • The risk of blood clots after a cesarean delivery is greater than after a vaginal delivery
  • After a cesarean delivery, the incision site or the uterus can become infected
  • If you had a C-section, organs near your uterus could become accidentally injured, which may require additional surgery to repair the damage
  • Cesarean deliveries increase the risk of health complications when the pregnancy occurs again. This can include placenta accreta or placenta previa.

Complications of cesarean section on the newborn

If you can't find a solution to the conflict, try talking to everyone about their point of view. This may help you understand why they feel the way they do and allow for a more productive discussion.

Maternal care after cesarean section

hospital care

Before leaving the hospital, women are advised to do various things to minimize the effects of cesarean delivery on them

Walking and sitting in the hospital help speed up the healing process and get rid of the gases that may build up after a cesarean delivery

home care

Coming home is always a stressful event. There are many tips for women, but the most important thing is to take care of yourself.

  • Reducing the number of daily activities that involve lifting objects or climbing stairs can help reduce a child's risk of obesity
  • Drink plenty of fluids, eat healthy foods, and exercise to stay hydrated and prevent constipation
  • Try to put the things that a woman needs close to her so that she doesn't have to move around too much
  • It is important to avoid sexual intercourse for a period determined by the doctor
  • Do not shower before the wound has healed and the bleeding has stopped
  • Do not exercise before consulting a doctor.